Eligibility and Points to Note
- In general, all trainees can enrol in OJT after initial screening by service providers and being accepted by the Programme Office.
- For trainees with special training and employment needs, they can be referred by career advisors to participate in OJT after conducting initial screening and considered suitable.
- Trainees attended recruitment functions organised by the Programme Office and selected by employers may undergo OJT.
Trainees must not be participating, or have been arranged to participate in WPA / other OJT / special employment projects under the Programme before they are allowed to join OJT.
Job Application Process
Trainees may select on-the-job training vacancy online by themselves or under the guidance of Career advisors and register with the Programme Office. The Programme Office may also introduce suitable on-the-job training vacancies to trainees depending on different needs and situations.
The Programme Office will verify the eligibility of Trainees who register for vacancies or inform them of the registration progress within four working days, then confirm the arrangement of interviews or submission of trainees' resumes with Employers and refer trainees to Employers for recruitment selection.
When employers receive trainees' resumes, they may arrange interviews or other recruitment process with trainees directly or through the Programme Office. If employers do not request trainees’ resumes first, the Programme Office will arrange interview directly with both parties.
Employers have to return all the referral results to the Programme Office so as to inform both trainees and their career advisors of the results afterwards. If trainees did not receive any notification about interview two weeks after submission of resumes, they should assume their applications unsuccessful and consider applying for other job vacancies.
If Employers contact trainees to make employment arrangement directly, trainees should inform their career advisor and the Programme Office as soon as possible, and also update their employment status online with a view to protecting their own rights and benefits and receiving appropriate employment services.
Trainees start their on-the-job training and draw up an Employment Contract with Employer. The Programme Office will confirm the arrangement of on-the-job training with Employers and Trainees.
Points to note
- Trainees may apply for a maximum of 4 OJT vacancies every 4 days.
- Trainees should also ensure the training courses that the trainees are attending / going to attend do not clash with the OJT working hours and allow sufficient travelling time between places of OJT and training courses.
- As resume contains trainee’s personal information, the Programme Office will obtain trainee’s consent to release his/ her resume to the respective employer upon every application. The submission of resume does not imply that job interviews will be arranged or trainee will be employed).
- Whenever trainees are invited to attend an interview by an employer or the Programme Office, they should consider carefully whether the OJT vacancy, the date and time of the interview are agreeable before accepting the interview offer. They should regard the interview opportunities seriously and do not give up easily. If trainees are being offered an employment, they should treasure the OJT opportunity and do not decline easily. It would definitely affect trainees’ employment opportunities as well as the image of the Programme if trainees frequently failed to attend job interviews, cancelled interviews or declined job offers. The OJT opportunities of other trainees may also reduce as employers may stop offering OJT vacancies to the Programme. Against this background, job referral service will be suspended by the Programme Office for four weeks if trainees failed to attend job interviews arranged for three times. The Programme Office will also notify trainee’s career advisor via email so that he / she can take follow-up action and provide guidance.